Profile based routing

Provide tourists and business travellers with personalised touristic paths

Supporting mobility

Optimise city tour planning, based on mobility options

Promoting city values

Strengthen the presence of city enterprises and the potentials of the local economy

Facilitating city break

Propose city break routes combining cultural and leisure sites

Personalised city tour planning for tourists and business travellers

ADAMO is built to solve the problem of lack of integrated solutions for the management of touristic services, which are enriched with advanced mobility solutions. In that respect, this solution provides tourists and business travellers with personalised touristic paths through the combination of their dynamically built tourism, travel and mobility preferences.


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The project ADAMO has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration through the frontierCities accelerator programme (grant agreement no. 632853), under the sub-grant agreement no. 23.


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